
Good Morning Boys

Hope you are enjoying the journey of Python Programing.

I would like to request you to mark your attendance by filling the form with the link below. Remember, if the registration number is entered incorrectly, attendance will not be allotted.


Please read carefully

*We at St Columba's School, are ready to take the next step - and move towards using Google Classroom as a tool to enhance the teaching learning environment.

*This shift involves the school giving each student a unique email address, which he will need to setup ( the teachers will assist him in doing the same). This email will facilitate each student to interact with his teachers.

* The student should use this email ID only for:

-interacting with  teachers on school /subject related matters
-keep the words and expressions as he would- if he  were interacting with us as a Columban student
-use the facilities connected to this email ID only for google meets organised with the permission of a teacher 
-he should have a copy of the permission given ( when and by which teacher and for what purpose)
-do not access any of the other facilities connected with this email address unless he first seeks the permission of a teacher
(He should have a copy of the permission given - when and by which teacher and for what purpose).

*Please note that Google and St Columba's have legal obligations by giving you access to this email address and hence,
you will need to sign an agreement when creating this email ID. 

*Be informed that the history of use of this ID shall have a digital footprint !

The answer to the EXERCISE given in the last session is as follows:
temperature = float(input("Please enter temperature in fahrenheit:"))
celsius = (temperature - 32) * 5 / 9
print("Temperature in celsius: " , celsius)
The OUTPUT will be as follows:

Please enter temperature in fahrenheit: 44 Temperature in celsius: 6.666666666666667


The Google meet ID for today's class is:
By the end of this session you will be able to:

  • Identify the output required as per the given question
  • Identify the input to be taken from the user
  • Define the variable(s) needed to solve the problem at hand
  • create a formatted output using the print command.

Today we will be continuing with practical work during the class today.
Lets go ahead

Write a program code in Python to find Simple Interest.

P = float(input("Enter Principal Amount : "))

R = float(input("Enter Rate of Interest : "))

T = float(input("Enter Time : "))

SI = (P*R*T)/100

print("Simple Interest : ", SI)

 The Output will be:

Let us look at the next question:

Please note that * and / are known as arithmetic operators:
1) * is used for multiplication and 
2) / is used for division and gives the quotient as 

Write a program to take input of marks of a student in 5 subjects out of 100. Then show their Total and Percentage.

M1 = float(input("Enter your marks in Subject 1 : "))
M2 = float(input("Enter your marks in Subject 2 : "))
M3 = float(input("Enter your marks in Subject 3 : "))
M4 = float(input("Enter your marks in Subject 4 : "))
M5 = float(input("Enter your marks in Subject 5 : "))

Total = M1 + M2 + M3 + M4 + M5

Per = (Total/500)*100

print("Total Marks : ", Total)
print("Percentage  : ", Per)

 The OUTPUT will be (For values-Principal=12000, Rate of interest=6.5, Time=3)

Now Lets try our hands on simple Python programing using the following form:

(Use the scroll bar to move down vertically in the form)   👆   

Write a program in Python to accept height in feet and convert to inches. 


  1. Ma'am ,the attendance form is saying that we have already responded to it

  2. Good morning ma'am! Arjav Jain this side

  3. Yes ma'am the same has happend to me.

  4. feet = input('enter your height(in feet): ')
    inch = (feet * 5)
    print('your height in inches is: ', inch)


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