As we approach the summer break, the childlike excitement is all pervasive!!!

It's a time when we at St.Columba's, wish that our students and their families stay safe and bond like never before.

Keeping in mind several requests from parents, during interactions lately, we have tried to strike a balance between academic revision for PA1 and fun filled activities!!! There is a week by week capsule lined up for you.

Please visit the last post on all your regular blogs for an update on the holiday homework. Please note that the submission for these assignments will be when the session resumes in July!!

Wishing you happy and fun filled holidays!!
Holidays Homework (2020-21)
Class 9 – Computer Science

Work for Week-1
1.       Make sure that all the theoretical question-answers covered in the blogs are noted in your Computer Science notebook.
2.       Maintain a folder to keep the copy of the programs you will create during these holidays.

Work for Week – 2
3.       Try all the programs, shared in blogs till now, practically on computer system and then keep them in your folder.

Please Note: A Worksheet on Python Programming was sent on Redox. You are required to download that worksheet and do the following work:-
Work for Week – 3
4.       Go to the link https://www.w3schools.com/python and explore the following topics:
a.       Python HOME
b.      Python Intro
c.       Python Get Started
d.      Python Variable

  1. From the worksheet:
    1. Type and execute Program No. 6.
    2. Type and execute Program No. 7 with new values (literals) for A and B and then observe the change in the output.
                Note: Save these programs in your folder.

Work for Week-4
6.       Go to the link https://www.w3schools.com/python and explore the following topics:
a.       Python Datatypes
b.      Python Numbers
c.       Python Strings
d.      Python Casting
e.      Python Operators (only Python Arithmetic Operators)

  1. From the worksheet:
    1. Type and execute Program No. 8 with the new values (literals) and then observe the change in the output.
    2. Type and execute Program No. 11.
                Note: Save these programs in your folder.

Work for Week-5
Learn and revise the syllabus of PA1. Practice writing questions-answers and programs.



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